s Juicy Juice | AWAY2TRAVEL

Juicy Juice

Juicy Juice

We had a smart chance for a massive reset by joining the family at Juicy Oasis for a 2-week juice fast.

James snuck a bowl of pasta from the employee kitchen by day 5.

Okay, so I did a 2-week juice cleanse. As a dietitian who is skeptical of anything temporary, diets, cleanses, fads, yada yada, I approached this whole thing as an experiment to see what sort of feedback my own body would give me before I went off the deep end of philosophical biochem and physiology.

Turns out, our friends at Juicy Oasis are actually doing this whole juice thing correctly. Liquid diets that provide zero fat mean they also aren’t doing much to deliver all of those lovely vitamins (particularly A, D, E, K) to your very-hungry body.

Adding fats into a juice cleanse was exactly what my body was asking for.

1/2 ripe avocado
2 green apples
1/2 raw beetroot
2 small carrots
1/2 lemon, peeled with much of the pith remaining

Place avocado and ice into blender and combine.

Pack the juicer in this order: one apple, lemon, apple and then beetroot and carrot. Pour juice into a blender and blend until smooth and combined.

Total Time: 5 minutes
Yields:10 fluid ounces
Source: Jason Vale, Juice Master


