s United States | AWAY2TRAVEL

United States

United States

About United States

It’s hard to capture an accurate description of this country, mostly because it will undoubtedly be through the filter of “this is our home,” but also because we’ve explored more outside of these borders than we have within them. With thousands of cities remaining to visit, we have hardly scratched the surface of what makes America truly beautiful. What we know so far, this is the land of variety. With only a US passport you can experience gorgeous mountain ranges, unbelievable hiking, phenomenal national and state parks, stunning beaches with coastlines that stretch from one ocean to another and eclectic and bustling cities. You can be constantly entertained by the diverse international culinary scene, appreciate hundreds of miles of open country roads, connect with various cultures and captivating history, all while sipping on some of the best microbrews in the world. Not a bad place to call home.

When to Go: June-August delivers the most favorable weather across the country. Spring can be incredible for wildflowers and autumn displays brilliant changing colors in some states. January-March is best for winter sports.

Good to Know:

  • Capital: Washington, DC
  • Population: 316.4 million
  • Language: English
  • Currency: USD
Chicago: 46°F
1 USD = 0 USD

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