Partying at Electric Picnic
Tarynne Mingione, September 6 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013
Friday morning we were dropped off at the gates of Electric Picnic.
We made the hourlong walk with all of our belongings to the staff entrance and quickly started to settle into camp.
Yeah thats right, we bought a €20 tent at EuroZone that didn’t have a rainfly. At a 3-day festival in the middle of Ireland, that’s a pretty dumb idea. So we had previously borrowed a rainfly from our the host we had freshly broken up with.
Hey, it’s not my fault they kicked us out and we weren’t able to return it to them.
Anyways, Friday night we went to see Wu Tang Clan, Fatboy Slim and then cruised around to various tents and stages, such as the Silent Disco (everyone is in a tent that is completely silent, but they give you headphones and everyone silently jams out and dances) and Salty Dog (a shipwreck stage) and TrenchTown (reggae zone).
Saturday August 31, 2013
Saturday morning was rough.
We spent the day hanging out on the grounds and doing whatever it is that picnicers do.
Saturday night was one of my favorite nights of my life. The sun was out. James and I were celebrating our freedom from the nuthouse. And Ellie Goulding was on the lineup.
She was an amazing performer and damn, that girl can sing.
We spent the rest of the night having an effing awesome time:
Sunday, September 1, 2013
This morning was really rough.
But again we were up with our redbulls down and were shortly running around the grounds once again.
Monday, September 2, 2013
This morning was exponentially worse. We packed our things and slowly followed the hungover crowds to the exit. We hopped in a taxi and ended up going to Port Laoise train station where James talked his way down from a €130 train ticket to €50 and within 3 hours we found ourselves at Killarney.
The picnic was awesome and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to go and for the first time in 2.5 months, have a good time.
Peace out central Ireland.
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